* Industrial Research and Collaborations are not included*
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 2: “Compact and Passive Thin-Film Frequency-Selective Limiters for Resilient Antijamming GPS Receivers” – 2020/8
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 1: “Additively Manufactured Functionally Graded Radomes for Hypersonic Vehicles” – 2020/7
- Winchester received Navy SBIR Phase 1: “Rapid Reconstitution of Submarine Shore Very Low Frequency (VLF) Communications System” – 2020/6
- Northeastern, Winchester, and U Mass Medical School are awarded from the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) Award by the National Institute of Health (NIH) to develop a rapid SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis system in the form of a handheld gas sensor by breathing into it – 2020/8