- Nonreciprocal tunable low-loss bandpass filters with ultra-wideband isolation based on magnetostatic surface wave, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques60 (12), 3959-3968, 2012
- Microwave Frequency Performance and High Magnetic Anisotropy of Films Prepared by a Modified Composition Gradient Sputtering, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics48 (11), 4313-4316, 2012
- A Novel Tunable Planar Isolator with Serrated Microstrip Structure, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics48 (11), 4371-4374, 2012
- Large Field-Induced Magnetocaloric Effect in NiMnVSn Heusler Alloys, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics48 (11), 3985-3988, 2012
- Permittivity and permeability measurement of spin-spray deposited Ni-Zn-ferrite thin film sample, IEEE Transactions on magnetics 48 (11), 4085-4088, 2012
- Optimum design of magnetic inductive energy harvester and its AC-DC converter, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2012 IEEE, 394-400, 2012
- Electrically induced enormous magnetic anisotropy in Terfenol-D/lead zinc niobate-lead titanate multiferroic heterostructures, Journal of Applied Physics112 (6), 063917, 2012
- Voltage control of magnetism in multiferroic heterostructures and devices, Spin2 (03), 1240004, 2012
- Compact tunable bandpass filter on YIG substrate, Electronics letters48 (17), 1070-1071, 2012
- Novel C-band tunable bandpass filter with low bias magnetic fields using partially magnetized ferrites, Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2012 IEEE MTT-S International, 1-3, 2012
- Compact, low-loss, wideband, and high-power handling phase shifters with piezoelectric transducer-controlled metallic perturber, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques60 (6), 1587-1594, 2012
- Low moment NiCr radio frequency magnetic films for multiferroic heterostructures with strong magnetoelectric coupling, Journal of Applied Physics111 (10), 103915, 2012
- High powerdensity energy harvester with high permeability magnetic material embedded in a rotating wheel, Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2012, vol:8347, pp: 83470V, 2012
- Excessive grain boundary conductivity of spin-spray deposited ferrite/non-magnetic multilayer, Journal ofApplied Physics111 (7), 07A512, 2012
- A new highly sensitive broadband ferromagnetic resonance measurement system with lock-in detection, Journal of Applied Physics111 (7), 07A503, 2012
- E-field tuning microwave frequency performance of Co2FeSi/lead zinc niobate–lead titanate magnetoelectric coupling composites, Journal of Applied Physics111 (7), 07C705, 2012
- Voltage impulse induced bistable magnetization switching in multiferroic heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters100 (13), 132409, 2012
- Equivalence of direct and converse magnetoelectric coefficients in strain-coupled two-phase systems, Applied Physics Letters100 (10), 102907, 2012
- Scanning microwave microscopy characterization of spin-spray-deposited ferrite/nonmagnetic films, Journal of Electronic Materials41 (3), 530-534, 2012
- Plasmon based antireflection coatings containing nanostructured Ag and silica medium, Applied Surface Science258 (8), 3785-3788, 2012
- Enhancing ground plane immunity of dipole antennas with spin–spray‐deposited lossy ferrite films, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 54 (1), 230-233, 2012