The following is a list of Winchester Technologies’ achievements.
Sponsored Research and Awards
* Industrial Research and Collaboration are confidential and not included
- Winchester received the Office of Naval Research Award: “Ultracompact and Conformal Magnetodielectric Antennas and Arrays for HF and VHF” – 2023/3
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 1 Option and Phase 2: “Additively Manufactured Functionally Graded Radomes for Hypersonic Vehicles” – 2021/8
- Winchester received DARPA Phase 1: “Novel Handheld Sensors for Instant Detection of SARA-CoV-2 from the Air” – 2021/2
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 2: “Compact and Passive Thin-Film Frequency-Selective Limiters for Resilient Antijamming GPS Receivers” – 2020/8
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 1: “Additively Manufactured Functionally Graded Radomes for Hypersonic Vehicles” – 2020/7
- Winchester received the contract from BAE Systems (DARPA Award): “Very Low Frequency (VLF) Transmitter Development” – 2020/6
- Winchester received Navy SBIR Phase 1: “Rapid Reconstitution of Submarine Shore Very Low Frequency (VLF) Communications System” – 2020/6
- Northeastern, Winchester, and U Mass Medical School are awarded from the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) Award by the National Institute of Health (NIH) to develop a rapid SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis system in the form of a handheld gas sensor by breathing into it – 2020/8
- Winchester received MDA SBIR Phase 1: “Ultra-compact Very Low-Frequency Magnetoelectric Antennas and Communication Systems for Hypersonic Flight” – 2019/12
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 1: “Low-Temperature Spin Spray Deposition of High Crystalline Quality Magnetic and Antiferromagnetic Oxide Films on Topological Insulators” – 2019/12
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 2 Option: “CMOS Compatible Deposition of Multi-Ferroic Films for Tunable Microwave Applications” – 2019/11
- Winchester received Army STTR Phase 2 Option: “Multiferroic Material for RF Application” – 2019/10
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 2 Option: “Low-Loss Commercial Deposition Technology for Thick Ferrites and Ferrite/Insulator Films on Printed Circuit Boards” – 2019/9
- Winchester received Navy STTR Phase 2 Option: “High Hesitivity Magnetic Materials for Magnetic Toroid and Flat Dipole Antennas” – 2019/6
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 2: “CMOS Compatible Deposition of Multi-Ferroic Films for Tunable Microwave Applications” – 2018/11
- Winchester received Army STTR Phase 2: “Multiferroic Material for RF Application” – 2018/10
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 2: “Low-Loss Commercial Deposition Technology for Thick Ferrites and Ferrite/Insulator Films on Printed Circuit Boards” – 2018/9
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 1 Option: “CMOS Compatible Deposition of Multi-Ferroic Films for Tunable Microwave Applications” – 2018/7
- Winchester received Navy STTR Phase 2: “High Hesitivity Magnetic Materials for Magnetic Toroid and Flat Dipole Antennas” – 2018/6
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 1: “Tunable Textured Composites for Lightweight Power Systems” – 2017/10
- Winchester received Navy STTR Phase 1: “Miniature Oriented Tri-Axial Fluxgate Magnetometer Sensor” – 2017/9
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 1: “CMOS Compatible Deposition of Multi-Ferroic Films for Tunable Microwave Applications” – 2017/8
- Winchester received Navy STTR Phase 1: “Low-Cost Magnetic Sensor for Mine Neutralizer Identification and Charge Placement” – 2017/7
- Winchester received Army SBIR Phase 1: “Low-Loss Commercial Deposition Technology for Thick Ferrites and Ferrite/Insulator Films on Printed Circuit Boards” – 2016/8
- Winchester received Navy STTR Phase 1: “High Hesitivity Magnetic Materials for Magnetic Toroid and Flat Dipole Antennas” – 2016/7
- Winchester received AFRL SBIR Phase 2: “Sensitive and Selective Chemical Sensor Using Molecularly-Imprinted Single-Layer Graphene” – 2015/4
- Winchester received DARPA STTR Phase 2: “Multiferroic Material for RF Application” – 2015/1
- Winchester received DARPA STTR Phase 1: “Multiferroic Material for RF Application” – 2014/4
- Winchester received NSF award: Compact and Power Efficient Integrated Voltage Tunable RF Inductors and Transformers with Wide Tunable Inductor Range” – 2013/7
- Winchester received Navy SBIR Phase 1: “Electric Field Tunable Multi-Ferroic Filters for C-band RF Applications” – 2011/5
Select Publications
- Ultra-compact dual-band smart NEMS magnetoelectric antennas for simultaneous wireless energy harvesting and magnetic field sensing, Nature Communications 12, 3141, 2021
- A Portable Very Low Frequency (VLF) Communication System Based on Acoustically Actuated Magnetoelectric Antennas, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 19 (3), 398-402 2020
- Integrated Tunable Magnetoelectric RF Inductors, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques 68 (3), 951-963 2020
- A Molecularly Imprinted Electrochemical Gas Sensor to Sense Chemicals in Air: A Pathway to Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease from Exhaled Breath, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association14 (7), P1549, 2018
- Integrated magnetoelectric devices: Filters, pico-Tesla magnetometers, and ultracompact acoustic antennas, MRS Bulletin43 (11), 841-847, 2018
- Acoustically actuated ultra-compact NEMS magnetoelectric antennas, Nature communications 8 (1), 296, 2017
- Selected for highlight in press release of Nature Communications
- News on NATURE (Ultra-small antennas point way to miniature brain implants)
- News on SCIENCE (Mini-antennas could power brain-computer interfaces, medical devices)
- Highly sensitive DC magnetic field sensor based on nonlinear ME effect, IEEE sensors letters 1 (6), 1-4, 2017
- Ultra-sensitive NEMS magnetoelectric sensor for picotesla DC magnetic field detection, Applied Physics Letters 110 (14), 143510, 2017
- Voltage tunable magnetoelectric inductors with improved operational frequency and quality factor for power electronics,IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (1), 1-5, 2015
- Significantly Enhanced Inductance and Quality Factor of GHz Integrated Magnetic SolenoidInductors with FeGaB/ Multilayer Films,IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 61 (5), 1470-1476, 2014
- Self-biased 215MHz magnetoelectric NEMS resonator for ultra-sensitive DC magnetic field detection, Scientific reports 3, 1985, 2013
- Loading effects of self-biased magnetic films on patch antennas with substrate/superstrate sandwich structure, IET microwaves, antennas & propagation 4 (9), 1172-1181, 2010
- Planar annular ring antennas with multilayer self-biased NiCo-ferrite films loading,IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation 58 (3), 648-655, 2010
- Thermal annealing on the soft magnetism, microwave properties, and magnetostriction in Co-Fe-C alloy films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 874, 159783, 2021
- Control of ferromagnetic resonance by phase change in Si/GeSbTe/FeCoB heterostructures, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 168312, 2021
- Curvature and Stress Effects on the Performance of Contour‐Mode Resonant ΔE Effect Magnetometers, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2100294, 2021
- Magnetoelectric Versus Inductive Power Delivery for Sub-mm Receivers, 2021 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), 1-4
- Roadmap on Magnetoelectric Materials and Devices, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2021
- Evidence for strain control of magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial nickel ferrite thin films grown on strontium titanate substrates, Materials Research Bulletin 138, 111214, 2021
- Ultra-compact dual-band smart NEMS magnetoelectric antennas for simultaneous wireless energy harvesting and magnetic field sensing, Nature Communications 12, 3141, 2021
- Magnetoelectric materials and devices, APL Materials 9 (4), 041114, 2021
- High-Performance On-Chip Hot-Pressed NdFeB Hard Magnets for MEMS Applications, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 57 (4), 1-4, 2021
- Deposition and Fabrication of Sputtered Bismuth Telluride and Antimony Telluride for Microscale Thermoelectric Energy Harvesters, Thin Solid Films 717, 138444, 2021
- Giant Nonreciprocity of Surface Acoustic Waves enabled by the Magnetoelastic Interaction, Science Advances 6 (49), eabc5648, 2020
- A Radio Frequency Magnetoelectric Antenna Prototyping Platform for Neural Activity Monitoring Devices with Sensing and Energy Harvesting Capabilities, Electronics 9 (12), 2123, 2020
- Verification of gas sensors to detect Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers with diabetic rats: Biomarkers (non‐neuroimaging)/Novel biomarkers, Alzheimer’s & Dementia 16, e043611, 2020
- Integration of a novel CMOS-compatible magnetoelectric antenna with a low-noise amplifier and a tunable input matching, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 105 (3), 407-415, 2020
- Homoepitaxial Mn3Ge films on ultra-thin Fe seed layer with high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 167146 2020
- Ultra-compact mechanical antennas, Applied Physics Letters 117 (17), 170501, 2020
- Nonreciprocal Isolating Bandpass Filter With Enhanced Isolation Using Metallized Ferrite, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 68 (12), 5307-5316, 2020
- A Low Noise MEMS Based CMOS Resonator Using Magnetoelectric Sensor, 2020 International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), 63-64
- Lightweight and construable magnetic wood for electromagnetic interference shielding, Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (10), 2000257, 2020
- Anisotropic spin-orbit torque generation in epitaxial SrIrO3 by symmetry design, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 117, 32, 2020
- Modeling of magnetoelectric antennas for circuit simulations in magnetic sensing applications, 2020 IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)
- All-Optical Manipulation of Magnetization in Ferromagnetic Thin Films Enhanced by Plasmonic Resonances, Nano Letters, 2020
- Verification of Gas Sensors to Detect Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers with Diabetic Rats, 2020 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference
- Magnetoelectric very low frequency communication system, US Patent 10,720,564, 2020
- Underlayer effect on the soft magnetic, high frequency, and magnetostrictive properties of FeGa thin films, Journal of Applied Physics 128 (1), 013903 2020
- Mechanically driven SMR-based MEMS magnetoelectric antennas, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting
- An Ultra-Compact ME Antenna Design for Implantable Wireless Communication, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting
- Enhancing the soft magnetic properties of FeGa with a non-magnetic underlayer for microwave applications, Applied Physics Letters 116 (22), 222404 2020
- The manufacturing method for electrostatically tunable magnetoelectric inductors with large inductance tunability, US Patent 10,665,383 2020
- Implantable Devices Based on Magnetoelectric Antenna, Energy Harvesting and Communication, US Patent App. 16/664,557 2020
- Micro-Solenoid Inductors With Magnetic Core for Neural Stimulation, US Patent App. 16/672, 167 2020
- Local structure and phase change behavior in interfacial intermixing GeTe-Sb2Te3 superlattices, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (25), 255401 2020
- A multi-level optical storage scheme via two-step picosecond laser irradiations: time/space modulations of microstructure and its optical property, Semiconductor Science and Technology 35 (3), 035025 2020
- A Portable Very Low Frequency (VLF) Communication System Based on Acoustically Actuated Magnetoelectric Antennas, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 19 (3), 398-402 2020
- Integrated Tunable Magnetoelectric RF Inductors, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques 68 (3), 951-963 2020
- Detection of presymptomatic Alzheimer’s disease through breath biomarkers, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring,12,1,2020
- A Review of Thin-Film Magnetoelastic Material for Magnetoelectric Applications, Sensors 20 (5), 1532 2020
- Effect of laser wavelength on the thermal behavior of amorphous GST films irradiated by a single frequency-tripled picosecond laser, Optics and Laser Technology 121, 105843 2020
- Effects of biaxial strain on interfacial intermixing and local structures in strain engineered GeTe-Sb2Te3 superlattices, Applied Surface Science 493, 904-912 2019
- Molecularly-Imprinted Electrochemical Sensors, US Patent App. 16/383,220 2019
- A low-power and high-sensitivity magnetic field sensor based on converse magnetoelectric effect, Applied Physics Letters 115 (16), 162901 2019
- Large Magnetoelectric Response in Sr2IrO4/SrTiO3 superlattices with non-equivalent interfaces, arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.01787 2019
- Voltage-Driven Nonlinearity in Magnetoelectric Heterostructures, Physical Review Applied 12 (4), 044001 2019
- Magneto-electric interactions in composites of self-biased Y-and W-type hexagonal ferrites and lead zirconate titanate: Experiment and theory, Journal of Applied Physics 126 (11), 114102 2019
- Magnetostriction, Soft Magnetism, and Microwave Properties in Co-Fe-C Alloy Films, Physical Review Applied 12 (3), 03401 2019
- Magnetoelectric Very Low Frequency Communication System, US Patent App. 16/344,636 2019
- Anisotropic spin-orbit torque generation in epitaxial SrIrO3 by symmetry design, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (33), 16186-16191 2019
- Crystallization accompanied by local distortion behavior of Sn-doped amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 induced by a picosecond pulsed laser, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 516, 99-105 2019
- Electrochemical gas sensor arrays for detecting volatile organic compound biomarkers in the exhaled breath, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 15 (7), P1018 2019
- Evolution of quasiperiodic microstructure of Ge–Sb–Te-based films irradiated by multi-pulsed picosecond laser, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (30), 305305 2019
- Multiferroic Sensors, Integrated Multiferroic Heterostructures and Applications 2019
- A Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Graphene Sensor Antenna Hybrid for Ultra Sensitive Chemical Detection, IEEE Sensors Journal 2019
- Sub-terahertz ferrimagnetic spin-transfer torque oscillator, arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.09341 2019
- Crystallization characteristics and local grain abnormal growth of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films induced by a Gaussian picosecond laser, Optics & Laser Technology 111, 585-591 2019
- NanoNeuroRFID: A Wireless Implantable Device Based on Magnetoelectric Antennas, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology 2019
- Special issue on magnetoelectrics and their applications, Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 52 (10), Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 52 (10) 2019
- Mechanical-Resonance-Enhanced Thin-Film Magnetoelectric Heterostructures for Magnetometers, Mechanical Antennas, Tunable RF Inductors, and Filters, Materials 12 (14), 2259 2019
- Low-damping magnetic materials in FM-NM-FM structures on flexible substrates for RF/microwave applications, APS Meeting Abstracts 2019
- Terahertz-frequency magnetization oscillations in an uncompensated ferrimagnet under a spin-transfer torque, APS Meeting Abstracts 2019
- High-Performance Thick On-chip Hard Magnets for MEMS Applications, APS Meeting Abstracts 2019
- Investigation of Diverse Magnetic Materials via Acoustically Driven Ferromagnetic Resonance, APS Meeting Abstracts 2019
- A one-dimensional magnetoelectric sensor array for magnetic sketching, APS Meeting Abstracts 2019
- Extracting equivalent circuit model of magnetoelectric gyrator using vector network analyzer, APS Meeting Abstracts 2019
- A Molecularly-Imprinted Electrochemical Sensor to Detect VOCs in the Breath Print of Lung Cancer Patients, APS Meeting Abstracts 2019
- Effects of Carbon Content on Magnetic and Microwave Properties of Iron Gallium Carbon Thin Films, APS Meeting Abstracts 2019
- Highly Sensitive Magnetic Sensor based on Magnetoelectric Effect and Cross-Modulation Technique, APS Meeting Abstracts 2019
- PicoTesla Magnetoelectric Sensors with Low-Curvature Nano-Plate Resonators, APS Meeting Abstracts 2019
- Soft Magnetism, Magnetostriction, and Microwave Properties of Fe-Ga-C Alloy Films, IEEE Magnetics Letters 10, 1-5, 2018
- A passive isolator realized by magnetoelectric laminate composites, Applied Physics Letters, 113 (26), 262904, 2018
- Characterization of magnetomechanical properties in FeGaB thin films, Applied Physics Letters 113 (26), 262401, 2018
- A Strain‐Mediated Magnetoelectric‐Spin‐Torque Hybrid Structure, Advanced Functional Materials 29, 1806371, 2018
- Characterization of magnetomechanical properties in FeGaB thinfilms, Applied Physics Letters, 113 (26), 262401, 2018
- Integrated ferroics for sensing, power, RF, and µ-wave electronics, Journal of Materials Research33 (23), 4007-4017, 2018
- Integrated magnetoelectric devices: Filters, pico-Tesla magnetometers, and ultracompact acoustic antennas, MRS Bulletin, 43 (11), 841-847, 2018
- Microstructure evolution of the crystallization of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films induced by single picosecond pulsed laser, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 498, 1-7, 2018
- Design of small-size nine-band LTE/WWAN smartphone antenna using defected ground structure, Journal of Physics: Conference Series1074 (1), 012084, 2018
- E‐field Control of the RKKY Interaction in FeCoB/Ru/FeCoB/PMN‐PT (011) Multiferroic Heterostructures, Advanced Materials30 (39), 1803612, 2018
- Integrated Tunable Bandstop Filter Using Self-Biased FeGaB/Al2O3Multilayer Thin Film, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics54 (9), 1-4, 2018
- Novel Ultra-Wide Band 10 MHz-26 GHz Permeability Measurements for Magnetic Films, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics54(11), 1-4, 2018
- Novel Acoustically Actuated Magnetoelectric Antennas, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp: 2189-2190, 2018
- Ultra-wide Band (10 MHz-26 GHz) Permeability Measurements Systems for Magnetic Films, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp: 1057-1058, 2018
- A Molecularly Imprinted Electrochemical Gas Sensor to Sense Chemicals in Air: A Pathway to Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease from Exhaled Breath, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association14 (7), P1549, 2018
- Highly sensitive integrated flexible tactile sensors with piezoresistive Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films, npj Flexible Electronics2 (1), 17, 2018
- NEMS Magnetoelectric Antennas for Biomedical Application, 2018 IEEE International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), 13-15, 2018
- Size-dependent magnetic properties of FeGaB/Al2O3 multilayer micro-islands, Physics Letters A382 (23), 1505-1508
- Future Antenna Miniaturization Mechanism: Magnetoelectric Antennas, 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium-IMS, 220-223
- Study on accumulated crystallization characteristics of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 induced by multi-pulsed laser irradiations with different fluences, Semiconductor Science and Technology 33 (7), 075009, 2018
- An integrated tunable isolator based on NiZn film fabricated by spin-spray plating, AIP Advances8 (5), 056620, 2018
- Voltage control of magnetism in NiZn ferrite/mica/PMNPT heterostructure with giant tunability and narrow linewidth, Applied Physics Letters, 112 (19), 192903, 2018
- Spin-orbit torque and spin pumping in YIG/Pt with interfacial insertion layers, Applied Physics Letters, 112 (18), 182406, 2018
- Experimental Characterization of Microfabricated Thermoelectric Energy Harvesters for Smart Sensor and Wearable Applications, Advanced Materials Technologies3 (6), 1700383, 2018
- Ultra-wide Band (10 MHz-26 GHz) Permeability Measurements of Magnetic Films, 2018 IEEE International Magnetic Conference (INTERMAG), 1-1, 2018
- Resonance of magnetization excited by voltage in magnetoelectric heterostructures, Materials Research Express5 (4), 045021, 2018
- Electrostatically Tunable Magnetoelectric Inductors with Large Inductance Tunability, US Patent App. 15/603,816, 2018
- All-optical probing of GHz acoustic waves in multiferroic MEMS, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVII 10545, 1054506, 2018
- Wideband low noise love wave magnetic field sensor system, Scientific reports8 (1), 278, 2018
- A Molecularly Imprinted Electrochemical Gas Sensor to Sense Butylated Hydroxytoluene in Air, Journal of Sensors, 2018
- Controlling the magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial films by manganese doping, Physical Review B96 (22), 224403, 2017
- Highly sensitive DC magnetic field sensor based on nonlinear ME effect, IEEE sensors letters1 (6), 1-4, 2017
- Voltage-Driven 180° Magnetization Switching in Magnetoelectric Heterostructures, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics53 (11), 1-5, 2017
- Electric Field Tuning Ferromagnetic Resonance Frequency Shift in Oblique Sputtered Fe42Co46Hf12/PZN-PT Multiferroic Heterostructures, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics53 (11), 1-4, 2017
- Voltage Control of Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in Multiferroic Heterostructures, Physical Review Applied8 (4), 044006, 2017
- Advances in Magnetics Epitaxial Multiferroic Heterostructures and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53 (10), 1-16, 2017
- Coexistence of low damping and strong magnetoelastic coupling in epitaxial spinel ferrite thin films, Advanced Materials 29 (34), 1701130, 2017
- Acoustically actuated ultra-compact NEMS magnetoelectric antennas, Nature communications8 (1), 296, 2017
- A novel NiZn ferrite integrated magnetic solenoidinductor with a high-quality factor at 0.7–6 GHz, AIP Advances7 (5), 056606, 2017
- Self-biased microwave ferromagnetic performance of patterned Ni80Fe20 thin films, AIP Advances7 (5), 056301, 2017
- Deterministic Switching of Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy by Voltage Control of Spin Reorientation Transition in (Co/Pt)3/Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3 Multiferroic Heterostructures, ACS nano11 (4), 4337-4345, 2017
- Perspectives of voltage control for magnetic exchange bias in multiferroic heterostructures, Physics Letters A381 (14), 1213-1222, 2017
- Ultra-sensitive NEMS magnetoelectric sensor for picotesla DC magnetic fielddetection, Applied Physics Letters110 (14), 143510, 2017
- Interfacial orbital preferential occupation induced controllable uniaxial magnetic anisotropy observed in Ni/NiO (110) heterostructures, npj Quantum Materials2 (1), 17, 2017
- Electric-field tuning of non-volatile magnetization modulation in NiZn ferrite/PZT multiferroic heterostructure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds695, 3722-3726, 2017
- Spin-orbital coupling induced four-fold anisotropy distribution during spin reorientation in ultrathin Co/Pt multilayers, Applied Physics Letters 110 (2), 022403, 2017
- Voltage-impulse-induced dual-range nonvolatile magnetization modulation in metglas/PZT heterostructure, Applied Physics Letters109 (20), 202903, 2016
- Highly sensitive flexible magnetic sensor based on anisotropic magnetoresistance effect, Advanced Materials 28 (42), 9370-9377, 2016
- Electrically controlled non-volatile switching of magnetism in multiferroic heterostructures via engineered ferroelastic domain states, NPG Asia Materials8 (9), e316, 2016
- Non-volatile ferroelectric switching of ferromagnetic resonance in NiFe/PLZT multiferroic thin film heterostructures, Scientific Reports6, 32408, 2016
- Voltage tunable magnetoelectric devices, Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON) and Ohio Innovation Summit (OIS), 2016 IEEE National,139-145, 2016
- Integrated magnetics and multiferroics for compact and power-efficient sensing, memory, power, RF, and microwave electronics, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics52 (7), 1-8, 2016
- A cross sectional study on the crystallization of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films induced by a single-pulse ultraviolet laser, Optics & Laser Technology81, 100-106, 2016
- Voltage-impulse-induced nonvolatile tunable magnetoelectric inductor based on multiferroic bilayer structure, Applied Physics Express9 (7), 077301, 2016
- Giant electric field control of magnetism and narrow ferromagnetic resonance linewidth in FeCoSiB/Si/SiO2/PMN-PT multiferroic heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters108 (23), 232903, 2016
- Ferroelectric polarization induced nonvolatile modulation effect on magnetic properties in Bi0. 95Ba0. 05 FeO3 multiferroics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds669, 141-145, 2016
- Tunable RF band-pass filters based on NEMS magnetoelectric resonators, Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2016 IEEE MTT-S International,1-4, 2016
- Interfacial spin-orbit torque without bulk spin-orbit coupling, Physical Review B93 (18), 180402, 2016
- CoFe2/Al2O3/PMNPT multiferroic heterostructures by atomic layer deposition, Applied Physics Letters108 (18), 182907, 2016
- Real-time wireless dynamic tire pressure sensor and energy harvesting system, US Patent 9,315,078, 2016
- The memory effect of magnetoelectric coupling in FeGaB/NiTi/PMN-PT multiferroic heterostructure, Scientific reports6, 20450, 2016
- Ferroelectric polarizing-induced non-volatile modulation effect on magnetic properties and its Raman detection in Ni/PMN-PT heterostructure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds656, 871-875, 2016
- Systems and methods for magnetic field detection, US Patent App. 14/771,460, 2016
- Recent advances in multiferroic oxide heterostructures and devices, Journal of Materials ChemistryC 4 (2), 234-243, 2016
- Compact slot antenna with low dispersion for ground penetrating radar application, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 15, 638-641, 2016
- Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Zr-rich (1-x) PZT+ xBiFeO3 Ceramics, Ferroelectrics 489 (1), 27-34, 2015
- Electric field induced reversible 180 magnetization switching through tuning of interfacial exchange bias along magnetic easy-axis in multiferroic laminates, Scientific reports5, 16480, 2015
- Nonvolatile Modulation Effects of Electric Field on the Magnetic and Electric Properties in La–Ca–MnO3/PMN-PT Heterostructures, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics51 (11), 1-4, 2015
- Effect of the Sn dopant on the crystallization of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films induced by an excimer laser, Optics & Laser Technology74, 11-15, 2015
- A wide-band magnetic tunable bandstop filter prototype with FeGaB/Al2O3 multilayer films, Applied Physics Letters107 (12), 122408, 2015
- Phase/RMS maximum power point tracking for inductive energy harvesting system, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2015 IEEE, 408-413, 2015
- Magnetostatic Surface Wave Nonreciprocal Tunable Bandpass Filters, US Patent App. 14/430,659, 2015
- Multiferroic magnetoelectric nanostructures for novel deviceapplications, MRS Bulletin40 (9), 728-735, 2015
- BaTiO3/PVDF-g-PSSA composite proton exchange membranes for vanadium redox flow battery, Ceramics International 41, S758-S762, 2015
- UHF tunable compact antennas on Co2Z hexaferrite substrate with 2.5/1 tunable frequency range, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, 2015
- Modeling of the temperature field in the amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 film induced by a picosecond laser with a body heat source, Applied Surface Science343, 188-193, 2015
- Comparison of spin-orbit torques and spin pumping across NiFe/Pt and NiFe/Cu/Pt interfaces, Physical Review B91 (21), 214416, 2015
- Integrated non-reciprocal dual H-and E-field tunable bandpass filter with ultra-wideband isolation,2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 1-4, 2015
- Recent advances in piezoelectric and magnetoelectric materials phenomena, Composite Magnetoelectrics, Eds, 103-157, 2015
- Modulation effects of ex situ electric field on the magnetic and electric properties in La0.6Ca0.4MnO3/PMN-PT bilayer film, Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG),2015 IEEE, 1-1, 2015
- Electric field control of the magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic/ferroelectric multiferroic heterostructure, Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG),2015 IEEE, 1-1, 2015
- Voltage control of magnetism in laminated LiFe5O8/PMN-PT multiferroic composites, Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG),2015 IEEE, 1-1, 2015
- Magnetoelectric composites for miniature antennas, Composite Magnetoelectrics: Materials, Structures, and Applications, 265, 2015
- Epitaxial multiferroic heterostructures, Composite Magnetoelectrics: Materials, Structures, and Applications, 87, 2015
- Progress toward magnetoelectric spintronics, Composite Magnetoelectrics: Materials, Structures, and Applications, 329, 2015
- Electric field tunability of microwave soft magnetic properties of Co2FeAl Heusler alloy film, Journal of Applied Physics117 (17), 17B722, 2015
- Large E-field tunability of magnetic anisotropy and ferromagnetic resonance frequency of co-sputtered Fe50Co50-B film, Journal of Applied Physics117 (17), 17D702, 2015
- Comparative study on crystallization characteristics of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films by an ultraviolet laser radiation and isothermal annealing, Applied Surface Science335, 184-188, 2015
- Antiferroelectric materials, applications and recent progress on multiferroic heterostructures. Spin 5 (01), 1530001, 2015
- High energydensity vibration energy harvesting device with high-mu material, US Patent App. 14/468,825, 2015
- Novel miniaturized antenna designs for in-traffic air-coupled ground penetrating radar systems, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics20 (1), 71-79, 2015
- Growth behavior and RF/microwave properties of low temperature spin-sprayed NiZn ferrite, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 26 (3), 1890-1894, 2015
- High resolution magnetometer based on a high frequency magnetoelectric MEMS-CMOS oscillator, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems24 (1), 134-143, 2015
- Probing electric field control of magnetism using ferromagnetic resonance, Nature communications6, 6082, 2015
- Interfacial charge-mediated non-volatile magnetoelectric coupling in Co0.3Fe0.7/Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3/Nb: SrTiO3 multiferroic heterostructures, Scientific Reports5, 7740, 2015
- Voltage control of magnetism in FeGaB/PIN-PMN-PT multiferroic heterostructures for high-power and high-temperature applications, Applied Physics Letters106 (2), 022901, 2015
- Quantification of the spin-Hall anti-damping torque with a resonance spectrometer, Applied Physics Letters106 (2), 022406, 2015
- Interfacial charge-mediated non-volatile magnetoelectric coupling in Co₀. ₃Fe₀. ₇/Ba₀. ₆Sr₀. ₄TiO₃/Nb: SrTiO₃ multiferroic heterostructures., Scientific reports5, 7740-7740, 2015
- Pseudomorphic yttrium iron garnet thin films with low damping and inhomogeneous linewidth broadening, IEEE Magnetics Letters6, 1-4, 2015
- Voltage tuning of ferromagnetic resonance and linewidth in spinel ferrite/ferroelectric multiferroic heterostructures, IEEE Magnetics Letter6, 2500204, 2015
- Voltage tunable magnetoelectric inductors with improved operational frequency and quality factor for power electronics, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (1), 1-5, 2015
- Chemical bath deposition of IrO2 films on ITO substrate, Ceramics International40 (9), 14983-14990, 2014
- Tunable ultrawideband phase shifters with magnetodielectric disturber controlled by a piezoelectric transducer, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics50 (11), 1-4, 2014
- E-Field Tuned Rotation of Magnetic Anisotropy and Enhanced Microwave Performance in FeCoAlO/PZN–PT Multiferroic Composite Prepared by Composition Gradient Sputtering, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics50 (11), 1-4, 2014
- A study on the crystallization behavior of Sn-doped amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 by ultraviolet laser radiation, Applied Surface Science316, 202-206, 2014
- Transmission electron microscopy study of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films induced by an ultraviolet single-pulse laser, Applied Surface Science311, 83-88, 2014
- High energydensity vibration energy harvesting device with high-mu material, US Patent 8,816,540, 2014
- Voltage Control of Metal-insulator Transition and Non-volatile Ferroelastic Switching of Resistance in VOx/PMN-PT Heterostructures, Scientific reports4, 5931, 2014
- Power-efficient voltage tunable RF integrated magnetoelectric inductors with FeGaB/Al2O3multilayer films, Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2014 IEEE MTT-S International,1-4, 2014
- Ultra-sensitive magnetic field sensor based on a low-noise magnetoelectric MEMS-CMOS oscillator, Frequency Control Symposium (FCS), 2014 IEEE International,1-3, 2014
- High quality factor integrated gigahertz magnetic transformers with FeGaB/Al2O3 multilayer films for radio frequency integrated circuitsapplications, Journal of Applied Physics115 (17), 17E714, 2014
- Large E-field tunability of microwave ferromagnetic properties in Fe59.3Co28.0Hf12.7/PZN-PT multiferroic composites, Journal of Applied Physics115 (17), 17C723, 2014
- Quasi magnetic isotropy and microwave performance of FeCoB multilayer laminated by uniaxial anisotropic layers,Journal of Applied Physics 115 (17), 17A310, 2014
- Wideband ferrite substrate integrated waveguide isolator using shape anisotropy, Journal of Applied Physics115 (17), 17E503, 2014
- Significantly Enhanced Inductance and Quality Factor of GHz Integrated Magnetic Solenoid Inductors with FeGaB/ Multilayer Films, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices61 (5), 1470-1476, 2014
- Voltage tunable multiferroic phase shifter with YIG/PMN-PT heterostructure, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters24 (3), 191-193, 2014
- Low-temperature spin spray deposited ferrite/piezoelectric thin film magnetoelectric heterostructures with strong magnetoelectric coupling, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics25 (3), 1188-1192, 2014
- Voltage control of magnetism in multiferroic heterostructures, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol 372, issue: 2009, pages: 20120439, 2014
- Quantification of strain and charge co-mediated magnetoelectric coupling on ultra-thin Permalloy/PMN-PT interface, Scientific reports4, 3688, 2014
- Strong non-volatile voltage control of magnetism in magnetic/antiferroelectric magnetoelectric heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters 104 (1), 012905, 2014
- Quantifying thickness-dependent charge mediated magnetoelectric coupling in magnetic/dielectric thin film heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters103 (23), 232906, 2013
- Challenges and opportunities for multi-functional oxide thin films for voltage tunable radio frequency/microwave components, Journal of applied physics114 (19), 13_1, 2013
- Dual H- and E-Field Tunable Multiferroic Bandpass Filter at -Band Using Partially Magnetized Spinel Ferrites, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics49 (11), 5485-5488, 2013
- Inequivalence of direct and converse magnetoelectric coupling at electromechanical resonance, Applied physics letters103 (18), 182905, 2013
- Voltage‐Impulse‐Induced Non‐Volatile Ferroelastic Switching of Ferromagnetic Resonance for Reconfigurable Magnetoelectric Microwave Devices, Advanced Materials25 (35), 4886-4892, 2013
- Inductive magnetic harvester with resonant capacitive rectifier based on synchronized switch harvesting technique, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2013 IEEE, 4940-4947, 2013
- Low-loss magnetically tunable bandpass filters with YIG films, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics49 (9), 5063-5068, 2013
- High-bandwidth low-insertion loss solenoid transformers using FeCoB multilayers, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics28 (9), 4395-4401, 2013
- An explanation of the crystallization of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films induced by a short Gaussian laser pulse, Applied Physics Letters103 (5), 051905, 2013
- Compact and low loss phase shifter with low bias field using partially magnetized ferrite, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics49 (7), 3882-3885, 2013
- Modeling and optimization of an inductive magnetic harvester considering nonlinear effects, 2013 IEEE 14th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL),2013
- Novel NiZnAl-ferrites and strong magnetoelectric coupling in NiZnAl-ferrite/PZT multiferroic heterostructures, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (27), 275001, 2013
- Self-biased 215MHz magnetoelectric NEMS resonator for ultra-sensitive DC magnetic field detection, Scientific reports3, 1985, 2013
- Design of a magnetization gradient ferrite substrate integrated waveguide isolator to mitigate higher order mode effects, Microwave Symposium Digest (IMS), 2013 IEEE MTT-S International, 1-3, 2013
- Growth behaviors and characteristics of low temperature spin-sprayed ZnO and Al-doped ZnO microstructures, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics24 (6), 2058-2066, 2013
- Stress competition and vortex magnetic anisotropy in FeCoAlO high-frequency soft magnetic films with gradient Al-O contents, Journal of Applied Physics113 (17), 17A332, 2013
- Large E-field tunability of microwave ferromagnetic properties in Fe50Co50-Hf/lead zinc niobate–lead titanate multiferroic laminates, Journal of Applied Physics113 (17), 17C727, 2013
- Tunable bandpass filter using partially magnetized ferrites with high powerhandling capability, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters23 (4), 184-186, 2013
- Voltage Tuning of Ferromagnetic Resonance with Bistable Magnetization Switching in Energy‐Efficient Magnetoelectric Composites, Advanced Materials25 (10), 1435-1439, 2013
- Tunable microwave frequency performance of nanocomposite Co2MnSi/PZN-PT magnetoelectric coupling structure, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology13 (2), 1182-1185, 2013
- Microwave Frequency Performance and High Magnetic Anisotropy of Nanocrystalline Fe70Co30-B Films Prepared by Composition Gradient Sputtering, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology13 (2), 1091-1094, 2013
- MEMS resonant magnetic field sensor based on an AlN/FeGaB bilayer nano-plate resonator, 2013 IEEE 26th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 721-724, 2013
- Nonlinear Vibration Energy Harvesting with High-Permeability Magnetic Materials, Advances in Energy Harvesting Methods,437-455, 2013
- Nonreciprocal tunable low-loss bandpass filters with ultra-wideband isolation based on magnetostatic surface wave, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques60 (12), 3959-3968, 2012
- Microwave Frequency Performance and High Magnetic Anisotropy of Films Prepared by a Modified Composition Gradient Sputtering, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics48 (11), 4313-4316, 2012
- A Novel Tunable Planar Isolator with Serrated Microstrip Structure, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics48 (11), 4371-4374, 2012
- Large Field-Induced Magnetocaloric Effect in NiMnVSn Heusler Alloys, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics48 (11), 3985-3988, 2012
- Permittivity and permeability measurement of spin-spray deposited Ni-Zn-ferrite thin film sample, IEEE Transactions on magnetics 48 (11), 4085-4088, 2012
- Optimum design of magnetic inductive energy harvester and its AC-DC converter, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2012 IEEE, 394-400, 2012
- Electrically induced enormous magnetic anisotropy in Terfenol-D/lead zinc niobate-lead titanate multiferroic heterostructures, Journal of Applied Physics112 (6), 063917, 2012
- Voltage control of magnetism in multiferroic heterostructures and devices, Spin2 (03), 1240004, 2012
- Compact tunable bandpass filter on YIG substrate, Electronics letters48 (17), 1070-1071, 2012
- Novel C-band tunable bandpass filter with low bias magnetic fields using partially magnetized ferrites, Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2012 IEEE MTT-S International, 1-3, 2012
- Compact, low-loss, wideband, and high-power handling phase shifters with piezoelectric transducer-controlled metallic perturber, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques60 (6), 1587-1594, 2012
- Low moment NiCr radio frequency magnetic films for multiferroic heterostructures with strong magnetoelectric coupling, Journal of Applied Physics111 (10), 103915, 2012
- High powerdensity energy harvester with high permeability magnetic material embedded in a rotating wheel, Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2012, vol:8347, pp: 83470V, 2012
- Excessive grain boundary conductivity of spin-spray deposited ferrite/non-magnetic multilayer, Journal ofApplied Physics111 (7), 07A512, 2012
- A new highly sensitive broadband ferromagnetic resonance measurement system with lock-in detection, Journal of Applied Physics111 (7), 07A503, 2012
- E-field tuning microwave frequency performance of Co2FeSi/lead zinc niobate–lead titanate magnetoelectric coupling composites, Journal of Applied Physics111 (7), 07C705, 2012
- Voltage impulse induced bistable magnetization switching in multiferroic heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters100 (13), 132409, 2012
- Equivalence of direct and converse magnetoelectric coefficients in strain-coupled two-phase systems, Applied Physics Letters100 (10), 102907, 2012
- Scanning microwave microscopy characterization of spin-spray-deposited ferrite/nonmagnetic films, Journal of Electronic Materials41 (3), 530-534, 2012
- Plasmon based antireflection coatings containing nanostructured Ag and silica medium, Applied Surface Science258 (8), 3785-3788, 2012
- Enhancing ground plane immunity of dipole antennas with spin–spray‐deposited lossy ferrite films, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 54 (1), 230-233, 2012
- Electrostatic tuning of ferromagnetic resonance and magnetoelectric interactions in ferrite-piezoelectric heterostructures grown by chemical vapor deposition, Applied Physics Letters99 (19), 192502, 2011
- Design of tunable bandpass filters with ferrite sandwich materials by using a piezoelectric transducer, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47 (10), 3732-3735, 2011
- High In-Plane Magnetic Anisotropy and Microwave Frequency Performance of Soft Magnetic (Fe50Co50)1−x(Al2O 3) x Films Prepared by Modified Composition Gradient Sputtering, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47 (10), 3935-3938, 2011
- RF Magnetic Properties of FeCoB/AlO/FeCoB Structure with Varied AlO Thickness, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics47 (10), 3104-3107, 2011
- E‐Field Control of Exchange Bias and Deterministic Magnetization Switching in AFM/FM/FE Multiferroic Heterostructures, Advanced Functional Materials21 (13), 2593-2598, 2011
- Dual H-and E-field tunable multiferroic bandpass filters with yttrium iron garnet film, Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2011 IEEE MTT-S International, 1-4, 2011
- Electric field modulation of magnetoresistance in multiferroic heterostructures for ultralow power electronics, Applied Physics Letters98 (22), 222509, 2011
- Novel compact and low-loss phase shifters with magnetodielectric disturber, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters21 (5), 240-242, 2011
- Small global positioning system patch antennaswith self‐biased NiCo‐ferrite films, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters53 (5), 1162-1165, 2011
- Electric field modulation of surface anisotropy and magneto-dynamics in multiferroic heterostructures, Journal of Applied Physics109 (7), 07D731, 2011
- Spin-spray deposited NiZn-Ferrite films exhibiting μr′ > 50 at GHz range, Journal of Applied Physics109 (7), 07E527, 2011
- Tunable magnetoresistance devices based on multiferroic heterostructures, Journal of Applied Physics109 (7), 07D913, 2011
- High power density vibration energy harvester with high permeability magnetic material, Journal of Applied Physics109 (7), 07E514, 2011
- Soft magnetism and microwave magnetic properties of Fe-Co-Hf films deposited by composition gradient sputtering, Journal of applied physics 109 (7), 07A315, 2011
- High In-Plane Magnetic Anisotropy and Microwave Frequency Performance of Soft Magnetic (Fe50Co50)1−x(Al2O 3) x Films Prepared by Modified Composition Gradient Sputtering, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 47 (10), 3935-3938, 2011
- Miniaturized patch antennas with ferrite/dielectric/ferrite magnetodielectric sandwich substrate, Piers Online 7 (7), 609-612, 2011
- RF Magnetic Films and Their Applications in Integrated Magnetic Devices,International Workshop on Power Supply on Chip, Cork Ireland, 2010
- Loading effects of self-biased magnetic films on patch antennas with substrate/superstrate sandwich structure, IET microwaves, antennas & propagation4 (9), 1172-1181, 2010
- Effect of rapid thermal annealing on microstructural, magnetic, and microwave properties of FeGaB alloy films, Journal of Applied Physics107 (9), 09D909, 2010
- Electrical tuning of magnetism in /PZN–PT multiferroic heterostructures derived by reactive magnetron sputtering, Journal of Applied Physics107 (7), 073916, 2010
- Planar annular ring antennas with multilayer self-biased NiCo-ferrite films loading, IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation58 (3), 648-655, 2010
- Laminated high moment magnetic films antiferromagnetic coupling as write pole of perpendicular magnetic recording head, US Patent 7,656,611, 2010
- Competition between pumping and damping in microwave-assisted magnetization reversal in magnetic films, Physical Review B81 (6), 064402, 2010
- Self aligned wrap around shield for perpendicular magnetic recording, US Patent 7,649,712, 2010
- Electrical tuning of magnetism in Fe₃O₄/PZN–PT multiferroic heterostructures derived by reactive magnetron sputtering, American Institute of Physics, 2010
- Strong Electric Field Tuning of Magnetism in Multiferroic Heterostructures, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings30 (9), 53, 2009
- Giant Electric Field Tuning of Magnetism in Novel Multiferroic FeGaB/Lead Zinc Niobate–Lead Titanate (PZN‐PT) Heterostructures, Advanced Materials21 (46), 4711-4715, 2009
- Microwave-Assisted Magnetization Switching: Competition between Pumping and Damping, APS Four CornersSection Meeting Abstracts, 2009
- Miniaturized antennas and planar bandpass filters with self-biased NiCo-ferrite films, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics45 (10), 4191-4194, 2009
- Wideband vibration energy harvester with high permeability magnetic material, Applied Physics Letters95 (13), 134103, 2009
- Method for enhancing wafer alignment marks, US Patent 7,588,884, 2009
- Determination of magnetic anisotropies, interlayer coupling, and magnetization relaxation in FeCoB/Cr/FeCoB, Journal of Applied Physics106 (6), 063916, 2009
- Method of manufacturing a write pole, US Patent 7,565,732, 2009
- Tunable miniaturized patch antennaswith self-biased multilayer magnetic films, IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation57 (7), 2190-2193, 2009
- Giant electric field tuning of magnetic properties in multiferroic ferrite/ferroelectric heterostructures, Advanced Functional Materials19 (11), 1826-1831, 2009
- Novel electrostatically tunable FeGaB/(Si)/PMN-PT multiferroic heterostructures for microwave application, Microwave Symposium Digest, 2009. MTT’09. IEEE MTT-S International, 33-36, 2009
- Ultrafast optical study of spin wave resonance and relaxation in a CoFe/PtMn/CoFe trilayer film, Journal of Applied Physics105 (7), 07D304, 2009
- The effect of boron addition on the atomic structure and microwave magnetic properties of FeGaB thin films, Journal of Applied Physics105 (7), 07A323, 2009
- Magnetic anisotropy and spin wave relaxation in CoFe/PtMn/CoFe trilayer films, Journal of Applied Physics105 (7), 073910, 2009
- Microwave tunability in a GaAs-based multiferroic heterostructure: , Journal of Applied Physics 105 (7), 07A510, 2009
- Electrostatically tunable magnetoelectric inductors with large inductance tunability, Applied Physics Letters94 (11), 112508, 2009
- Spin-Wave Resonance and Relaxation in CoFeB/Cr Superlattices, APS Meeting Abstracts, 2009
- Strong magnetoelectric coupling in ferrite/ferroelectric multiferroic heterostructures derived by low temperature spin-spray deposition, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics42 (4), 045007, 2009
- Ultrawideband (UWB) antennas with multiresonant split-ring loops, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation57 (1), 256-260, 2009
Before 2008
- Method for forming a write head having an air bearing surface (ABS), US Patent 7,464,457, 2008
- Electronically tunable miniaturized antennas on magnetoelectric substrates with enhanced performance, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics44 (11), 3091-3094, 2008
- Giant magnetoelectric coupling and -field tunability in a laminated /lead-magnesium-niobate-lead titanate multiferroic heterostructure, Applied Physics Letters93 (11), 112502, 2008
- Giant microwave tunability in FeGaB/lead magnesiumniobate-lead titanate multiferroic composites, Applied Physics Letters92 (26), 262502, 2008
- Spin-spray deposited multiferroic composite with strong interface adhesion, Applied Physics Letters92 (15), 152504, 2008
- Structural and magnetic properties of ball-milled powders, Journal of Applied Physics103 (7), 07E728, 2008
- Ferromagnetic resonance studies of surface and bulk spin-wave modes in a multilayer film, Journal of Applied Physics103 (7), 07B525, 2008
- Effects of boron addition to the atomic structure and soft magnetic properties of FeCoB films, Journal of Applied Physics 103 (7), 07E736, 2008
- Strong magnetoelectric coupling at microwave frequencies in metallic magnetic film/lead zirconate titanate multiferroic composites, Applied Physics Letters92 (12), 122506, 2008
- Microwave, magnetic, and structural properties of nanocrystalline exchange-coupled films for high frequency applications, Journal of Applied Physics103 (6), 063917, 2008
- Circular polarization GPS patch antennas with self-biased magnetic films, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 24-28, 2008
- Small ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filter with notched band, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters18 (3), 176-178, 2008
- Planar circular loop antennas with self-biased magnetic film loading, Electronics Letters44 (5), 332-334, 2008
- Spin-spray deposited multiferroic composite Ni0. 23Fe2. 77O4/Pb (ZrTi) O3 with strong interface adhesion., Applied Physics Letters, issue: SAND2008-1114J, 2008
- Giant magnetoelectric coupling and E-field tunability in a laminated Ni2MnGa, Applied physics letters93 (11), 2008
- Giant microwave tunability in FeGaB, Applied physics letters92 (26), 2008
- Structural and magnetic properties of ball-milled Ni₁₁Co₁₁Fe₆₆Zr₇B₄Cu powders, American Institute of Physics, 2008
- Microwave, magnetic, and structural properties of nanocrystalline exchange-coupled Ni₁₁Co₁₁Fe₆₆Zr₇B₄Cu₁ films for high frequency applications, American Institute of Physics, 2008
- Spin-spray deposited multiferroic composite Ni₀. ₂₃Fe₂. ₇₇O₄/Pb (Zr, Ti) O₃ with strong interface adhesion, American Institute of Physics, 2008
- Soft magnetism, magnetostriction, and microwave properties of FeGaB thin films, Applied Physics Letters91 (18), 182504, 2007
- A modified sol-gel process for multiferroic nanocomposite films, Journal of Applied Physics102 (8), 083911, 2007
- Bias field effects on microwave frequency behavior of PZT/YIG magnetoelectric bilayer, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics43 (7), 3343-3345, 2007
- Ferrite-coupled line circulator simulations for application at X-band frequency, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43 (6), 2639-2641, 2007
- Pulsed laser ablation deposition of nanocrystalline exchange-coupled films for planar inductor applications, Journal of Applied Physics101 (9), 09M519, 2007
- Electronically tunable magnetic patch antennas with metal magnetic films, Electronics Letters43 (8), 434-436, 2007
- Synthesis of ordered arrays of multiferroic core-shell nanowires, Applied Physics Letters90 (15), 152501, 2007
- Self-assembled magnetic nanowire arrays, Applied Physics Letters90 (10), 103105, 2007
- Integrated metal magnetic film coupled line circulators for monolithic microwave integrated circuits, Electronics letters43 (5), 292-293, 2007
- Pulsed laser ablation deposition of nanocrystalline exchange-coupled Ni₁₁Co₁₁Fe₆₇₋ ₓZr₇B₄Cux (x= 0, 1) films for planar inductor applications, American Institute of Physics, 2007
- Synthesis of ordered arrays of multiferroic NiFe₂O₄-Pb (Zr₀. ₅₂Ti₀. ₄₈) O₃ core-shell nanowires, American Institute of Physics, 2007
- Method for forming a write head having air bearing surface (ABS), US Patent 7,120,988, 2006
- Effective anisotropy fields and ferromagnetic resonance behaviors of CoFe/PtMn/CoFe trilayers, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 42 (10), 2993-2995, 2006
- Single crystal Fe films grown on Ge (001) substrates by magnetron sputtering, Applied Physics Letters89 (11), 112501, 2006
- High qualityFe films on semiconductor (001) germanium (Ge) substrate, Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006. IEEE International, 158-158, 2006
- Self-assembled magnetic nanowire arrays, Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006. IEEE International, 461-461, 2006
- Microwave and DC anisotropy fields of exchange-coupled CoFe/PtMn/CoFe trilayers, Magnetics Conference, 2006. INTERMAG 2006. IEEE International, 961-961, 2006
- Ba-hexaferrite films for next generation microwave devices, Journal of Applied Physics99 (8), 08M911, 2006
- Structure and magnetism of nanocrystalline exchange-coupled films, Journal of Applied Physics99 (8), 08F115, 2006
- A quantitative model for the nonlinear response of fluxgate magnetometers, Journal of Applied Physics99 (8), 08B316, 2006
- Magnetic and microwave properties of multilayer films, Journal of Applied Physics99 (8), 08C901, 2006
- Room temperature magnetism in semiconducting films of ZnO doped with ferric ions, Journal of Applied Physics 99 (8), 08M109, 2006
- Magnetic transducer for perpendicular magnetic recording with single pole write head with trailing shield, US Patent 7,009,812, 2006
- Write pole and method of manufacturing the same, US Patent App. 10/931,649, 2006
- Magnetic headhaving a deposited second magnetic shield and fabrication method therefor, US Patent App. 10/883,327, 2006
- Structure and magnetism of nanocrystalline exchange-coupled (Ni₀. ₆₇Co₀. ₂₅Fe₀. ₀₈) ₈₉₋ ₓZr₇B₄Cuₓ (x= 0, 1) films, American Institute of Physics, 2006
- Ba-hexaferrite films for next generation microwave devices, American Institute of Physics, 2006
- Magneto-optical Kerr Effect microscope, Honors Junior/Senior Projects, 27, 2005
- Magnetic annealing of plated high saturation magnetization soft magnetic FeCo alloy films, Journal of Applied Physics97 (10), 10N904, 2005
- Stress, microstructure, and magnetic softness of high saturation magnetization FeCoN films, Journal of Applied Physics97 (10), 10F906, 2005
- Write pole fabrication for perpendicular recording, US Patent App. 10/672,896, 2005
- Damping criteria of magnetization in ferromagnetic ellipsoids, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics40 (1), 253-256, 2004
- Anisotropy dispersion effects on the high frequency behavior of soft magnetic Fe–Co–N thin films, Journal of Applied Physics93 (10), 6468-6470, 2003
- Tb doped CoTaZr soft magnetic films for integrated inductors, Magnetics Conference, 2003. INTERMAG 2003. IEEE International, EA-01, 2003
- Soft magnetism of Fe–Co–N thin films with a Permalloy underlayer, Journal of Applied Physics92 (3), 1477-1482, 2002
- Advanced Soft Magnetic Materials for Magnetic Recording Heads and Integrated Inductors, MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive721, 2002
- High saturation magnetization soft magnetic iron-cobalt-nickel films for GHz applications, Thesis (Ph.D.) –Stanford University, 2002
- High-frequency behavior and damping of Fe-Co-N-based high-saturation soft magnetic films, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 38 (1), 146-150, 2002
- Soft magnetism and high frequency behavior of Fe-Co-N thin films, Digests of TMRC, 2001
- Soft high saturation magnetization (Fe/sub 0.7/Co/sub 0.3/)/sub 1-x/N/sub x/thin films for inductive write heads, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics36 (5), 2506-2508, 2000
- Sandwich films: Properties of a new soft magnetic material, Nature407 (6801), 150, 2000
- Microstructures and Soft Magnetic Properties of High Saturation Magnetization Fe-Co-N alloy Thin Films, MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive614, 2000
- Magnetic properties and high-frequency responses of high moment FeTaN/AlN laminates for high-data-rate magnetic recording, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 35 (5), 2502-2504, 1999
- Grain-size limit of polycrystalline materials, Physical Review B59 (9), 5987, 1999
- PART I-RECORDING HEAD TECHNOLOGIES-Magnetic Properties and High Frequency Responses of High Moment FeTaN/AlN Laminates for High-Data-Rate Magnetic Recording, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics35 (5), 2502-2504, 1999
- Grain-boundary enthalpy of nanocrystalline materials crystallized from the amorphous state, Physical Review B 56 (10), 5885, 1997
- Explanation of the melting behaviour of embedded particles; equilibrium melting point elevation and superheating, Philosophical magazine letters76 (2), 105-110, 1997
- Superheating of bulk polycrystalline selenium, Philosophical magazine letters76 (1), 49-56, 1997
- Grain-boundary enthalpy of nanocrystalline selenium, Philosophical magazine letters75 (6), 389-395, 1997
- Heat-capacity comparison among the nanocrystalline, amorphous, and coarse-grained polycrystalline states in element selenium, Physical Review B 54 (9), 6058, 1996
- Nanocrystallization of amorphous Fe33Zr67 alloy, Nanostructured materials7 (6), 637-649, 1996
- An explanation to the anomalous Avrami exponent, Scripta Materialia34 (8), 1201-1207, 1996
- Apparent crystallization kinetics of partially amorphous Fe sub 33 Zr sub 67 alloys, Acta Metallurgica Sinica(China)(People’s Republic of China)31 (5), 1995
- 部分非晶态 Fe33Zr67 合金条带的表观晶化动力学, 金属学报31 (5), B206-B211, 1995
- Apparent Crystallization Kinetics of Partially Amorphous Fe 3 3 Zr 6 7 Alloys., Chinese Science Abstracts SeriesA 5 (14), 61, 1995
Book Chapter by Winchester Tech Staff and Affiliates
- Xing Xing and Nian X. Sun, “Nonlinear Vibration Energy Harvesting with High-Permeability Magnetic Materials”, inAdvances in Energy Harvesting Methods, by Editors: Alper Erturk and Niell Elvin, Springer, New York, 437-455 (2013).
- Nian X. Sun, Shashank Priya and Gopalan Srinivasan, Composite Magnetoelectrics: Materials, Structures and Applications, by Elsevier, 2015.
- T Nan, NX Sun, “Progress toward magnetoelectric spintronics”, in Composite Magnetoelectrics: Materials, Structures, and Applications, Edited by G. Srinivasan, S. Priya, and N.X. Sun, pp. 329.
- Z Hu, NX Sun, “Epitaxial multiferroic heterostructures”, in Composite Magnetoelectrics: Materials, Structures, and Applications, Edited by G. Srinivasan, S. Priya, and N.X. Sun, pp. 87
- G Yang, NX Sun, “Magnetoelectric composites for miniature antennas”, in Composite Magnetoelectrics: Materials, Structures, and Applications, Edited by G. Srinivasan, S. Priya, and N.X. Sun, pp. 265.
- Z. Zhou, NX Sun, “Multiferroic Nanostructures”, in Composite Magnetoelectrics: Materials, Structures, and Applications, Edited by G. Srinivasan, S. Priya, and N.X. Sun, pp. 71.